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FCL volume:12

正骨水对骨折有促进愈合作用,对骨折处的抗折力有提高作用的趋势; 可扩张局部血管、显著促进局部瘀血的吸收; 对瘀血、水肿也有明显的治疗作用;对炎症有明显的抗炎作用;能显著提高痛阈值。 经临床证明,正骨水对跌打扭伤,各种骨折,脱臼,软组织损伤,瘀血,肌肉酸痛、痉挛,四肢麻木等症状具有良好疗效。运动前后用正骨水喷擦,能防止抽筋,消除疲劳。
正骨水是什么呢?玉林牌正骨水是广西玉林制药有限责任公司根据五十年代初期富有传奇经历的著名老中医陈善文先生(曾给贺龙元帅治病)献出的祖传秘方,和玉林牌“云香精”一起享有“正骨强中华,云香逸天下“的美誉。很多人都不了解正骨水是什么,有什么作用,百洋健康网为您详细解答! 正骨水是什么之主要成分 正骨水富含九龙川、木香、海风藤、土鳖虫、 豆豉姜、猪牙皂、香加皮、莪术、买麻藤、过江龙、香樟、徐长卿、降香、两面针、碎骨木、羊耳菊、虎杖、五味藤、千斤拔、朱砂根、横经席、穿壁风、鹰不扑、草乌、薄荷脑、樟脑等,为纯中药制剂,经毒理学研究表明无明显毒副作用,按药品使用说明书正确使用正骨水是安全的。 正骨水是什么之功效 正骨水对骨折有促进愈合作用,对骨折处的抗折力有提高作用的趋势; 可扩张局部血管、显著促进局部瘀血的吸收; 对瘀血、水肿也有明显的治疗作用;对炎症有明显的抗炎作用;能显著提高痛阈值。 经临床证明,正骨水对跌打扭伤,各种骨折,脱臼,软组织损伤,瘀血,肌肉酸痛、痉挛,四肢麻木等症状具有良好疗效。运动前后用正骨水喷擦,能防止抽筋,消除疲劳。
More Information
FCL volume12
BBD31 Oct 2024

Package & Shipment

We will try our best to process orders placed before 3pm on the same day wherever possible, our parcel carrier is DPD. This is a next working day service.

DPD will send you a one-hour delivery time window. Please ensure you include your telephone number and email address to receive these notification’s.

In addition: Please ensure all of your address information is correct. If you have further instructions that will assist the delivery, you will need to indicate this information in the address bar or message box.

This may include:

1) Whether the logistics company can put the goods in the reception, post room or safe place. Please note if you provide these instructions, you do so at your own risk.

2) When the logistics company delivers to the building if there is a password or key code to enter.

For detailed shipping instructions and shipping rules, see:

Customer Service

PledgeThe products sold on our website are all genuine brand products bought from licensed suppliers and manufacturers. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team, and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
We aim to meet your highest expectations with the lowest prices and the best service possible.

Unpacking inspection:
Please check your order on receipt.
Please only reject the delivery if the box has sustained significant and obvious damage. Often the contents are fine, you may only need 1 or 2 items replaced. Rejecting a delivery can result in significant delays as we are unable to assist until the rejected parcel arrives back with us and we are able to examine it.
Please check the order invoice, amount payable, goods quantity, product condition, etc.
If there are factors that affect the quality of your order, such as damaged packaging, picking errors, product shortages, and quality issues, you can report the problem to our service team within 48 hours of receipt.
In order to protect your rights and interests, we recommend that you do not entrust others to sign for your parcel on your behalf;
If someone else signs for your delivery without inspecting the goods, it is deemed that there is no problem with the goods you ordered.

UKCNSHOP promises if you have any quality problems, the faulty or damaged goods can be returned as long as problems are reported to our service team, accompanied by images, within 48 hours of receipt.
Customers can contact the customer service team on:02380 650606.
If you find that any of the product information is wrong, you can click [Information Correction] to feedback to us, thank you.

Please note:
Due to the frequent replacement of the packaging of some products, the products you receive may not be exactly the same as those pictured. Please refer to the actual products you receive. We try our best to update product images, as soon as possible. Please be assured the product packaging may differ but the quality of the product is still the same high standard you would expect.
Thank you for your understanding.

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