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    BBD: 2025-05-16
    好巴食豆腐干是以川内名小吃南溪豆腐干的传统生产工艺,配合现代新技术,生产出的全新一豆制品休闲小吃! 口感纯正、细腻爽滑,口味醇香,绵软耐韧。 色泽橙黄,风味独特,细嚼慢咽,滋味绵长! Learn More
    BBD: 2025-03-17
    “好巴食”南溪豆腐干是以南溪县的得天独厚纯天然原材料加以历史传承的传统生产工艺,配合现代新技术,生产出的新一代豆制品休闲小食。闻之四下飘香,尚未入口香气已至,食之浑厚绵长。回味无穷,是居家旅游、馈赠亲友之必备佳品。 Learn More
    BBD: 2025-07-23
    大白兔奶糖甄选上乘的原料经现代科技精制而成,奶味纯正、奶香浓郁、口感醇厚、弹性十足且营养丰富。 Learn More
  4. CHACHA Sunflower Seeds-Pecan Flavour 108g
    BBD: 2025-01-14
    洽洽 山核桃味瓜子 108g Learn More
  5. CHACHA Roasted Sunflower Seed 308g
    BBD: 2025-03-02
    洽洽”香瓜子所具有的独特的口感和香味,主要在于用料精良,配方独特。来自于内蒙古草原和海外原料基地的优质葵花籽原料和长白山纯天然香料,经过“洽洽”精心独特的配方,造就了“洽洽”香瓜子特有的口味,从此众口不再难调,“洽洽瓜子口口香”随之家喻户晓。 Learn More
  6. WANT WANT QQ Gummies - Blueberry 25gx5
    BBD: 2024-10-17
    旺仔 QQ糖 蓝莓味 25g Learn More
  7. GGE Ready to Eat Noodles Spicy Mexican flavor
    BBD: 2025-01-01
    来自台湾的超高人气零食,老少皆宜,满足你挑剔的味蕾! Learn More
  8. WANT WANT QQ Gummy Candy- Peach Flavour 20x5Bags
    BBD: 2024-12-05
    旺旺 QQ糖 水蜜桃味 25克 Learn More
  9. WANT WANT Mini Fried Crackers Chicken 60g
    BBD: 2025-03-11
    小小酥香葱鸡汁 Learn More
  10. Pork Elbow in Soy Sauce 200g Pork Elbow in Soy Sauce 200g
    20% off
    Pork Elbow in Soy Sauce 200g
    BBD: 2024-12-30
    Special Price £3.68 Regular Price £4.59
    Strong sauce flavor Learn More
  11. Dongpo pork 200g Dongpo pork 200g
    30% off
    Dongpo pork 200g
    BBD: 2024-09-30
    Special Price £4.75 Regular Price £6.79
    Dongpo pork is a Hangzhou dish which is made by pan-frying and then red cooking pork belly. The pork is cut thick, about two inches square, and should consist equally of fat and lean meat. The skin is left on. The mouthfeel is oily but not greasy and the dish is fragrant with wine. Learn More
  12. RH Mix Moch (R/b Milk Matcha) 250g
    BBD: 2024-11-30
    RH Mix Moch (R/b Milk Matcha) 250g Learn More
  13. JX FOOD Mung Bean Cake*6 JX FOOD Mung Bean Cake*6
    10% off
    JX FOOD Mung Bean Cake*6
    BBD: 2025-06-03
    Special Price £7.89 Regular Price £8.79
    Mung Bean Cake Learn More
  14. JX FOOD Green Balls with Red Bean Paste
    BBD: 2025-02-26
    Handmade bean paste stuffed green group six packs Learn More
  15. JX FOOD Green Balls with Egg Yolk and Dried Pork Floss
    BBD: 2025-04-02
    Handmade egg yolk meat stuffing green group six packs Lite Learn More
  16. Glico Pocky Strawberry 45g
    BBD: 2025-02-10
    Aromas of Strawberry , crispy biscuits, soft and smooth Strawberry texture, delicious crispy biscuits, Strawberry -flavoured coated biscuits, and a light bite that makes you fall in love with its crispy and silky texture. Learn More
  17. Glico Pocky Chocolate 45g
    BBD: 2025-02-10
    Aromas of chocolate, crispy biscuits, soft and smooth chocolate texture, delicious crispy biscuits, chocolate-flavoured coated biscuits, and a light bite that makes you fall in love with its crispy and silky texture. Learn More
  18. IMEI Egg Roll - Origin 60g
    BBD: 2025-02-20
    IM Egg Roll - Origin 60g Learn More
  19. IM Cream Wafer -Sesame 200g
    BBD: 2025-02-16
    IM Cream Wafer -Sesame 200g Learn More
  20. RF Mixed Pie Cookies with Mochi 200g
    BBD: 2025-02-01
    RF Mixed Pie Cookies with Mochi 200g Learn More
  21. JJ Snowflake cake 150g
    BBD: 2025-01-22
    Ingredients: Wheat flour, Butter, Milk powder, Pecan, Almond , Peanut, Biscuit, Mashmallow Learn More
  22. NONGSHIM sweet potato snack Original Flavour 55g NONGSHIM sweet potato snack Original Flavour 55g
    11% off
    NONGSHIM sweet potato snack Original Flavour 55g
    BBD: 2024-09-06
    Special Price £1.29 Regular Price £1.45
    NS sweet potato snack Original Flavour 55g Learn More
  23. YU JIA XIANG Frd Dace With Black Beans184g YU JIA XIANG Frd Dace With Black Beans184g
    20% off
    YU JIA XIANG Frd Dace With Black Beans184g
    BBD: 2026-11-30
    Special Price £3.66 Regular Price £4.58
    鱼家香 豆豉鲮鱼 184g Learn More
  24. ORION chocolate pie - 6 packs ORION chocolate pie - 6 packs
    19% off
    ORION chocolate pie - 6 packs
    BBD: 2024-12-19
    Special Price £2.25 Regular Price £2.79
    内有6小包 Learn More
  25. RF F/Mix Moc(Straw Org Melon)120g
    BBD: 2025-01-24
    RF F/Mix Moc(Straw Org Melon)120g Learn More
    BBD: 2024-12-27
    台湾 禧福豆干-碳烤牛肉 100g Learn More
  27. JANEJANE Prepared Shredded Squid 50g
    BBD: 2025-04-15
    珍珍 鱿鱼丝 50g Learn More
  28. ORION Choco Pie - 12 packs ORION Choco Pie - 12 packs
    20% off
    ORION Choco Pie - 12 packs
    BBD: 2024-09-24
    Special Price £5.99 Regular Price £7.49
    内有12小包 Learn More
    BBD: 2025-04-25
    草本植物配以金桔、檸檬精心煉製 酸甜清涼、潤喉爽聲 別忘了要每天保養你的喉嚨哦~ Learn More
  30. NATURAL Sweet Potato - Slice 140g NATURAL Sweet Potato - Slice 140g
    15% off
    NATURAL Sweet Potato - Slice 140g
    BBD: 2025-03-15
    Special Price £1.59 Regular Price £1.88


    Learn More
    11% off
    BBD: 2025-07-11
    Special Price £2.29 Regular Price £2.58
    产品精选野生香菌、贡菜、二荆条辣椒及秘制泡菜等配以正宗四川泡菜风味 精心全手工炒制而成。产品的香菌味突出,营养成分特别丰富,是目前市面上最流行的食品口味。 Learn More
    BBD: 2025-03-02
    1、富含天然膳食纤维、维生素A、维生素D、维生素E、维生素C、双歧因子、铁质、钙质等营养物质。 2、润肠通便、调节控制血糖浓度、降血脂、促进排毒。 3、促进肠胃蠕动,还会使肠内的双歧杆菌大量繁殖,有益菌增加,有害菌减少。 Learn More
  33. STRONGFOOD CICI Assorted pulp jelly 2 CUPS
    BBD: 2024-11-08
    商品品牌:喜之郎 品 名:喜之郎果肉果冻(桔子,菠萝,蜜桃) (Orange、Pineapple、Peach) 配方:水、白砂糖、什锦果肉、椰果、增稠剂、酸度调节剂、 香料、山梨酸钾、胡萝卜素、红花黄 配 料 表:水、椰果、魔芋粉 储藏方法:5-30℃保存、避晒 保 质 期:9个月 规 格: 200克 产 地: 中国大陆 特别提醒:勿一口吞食,三岁以下儿童不宜食用,老人儿童须监护下食用 Learn More
  34. CHANGSI Candied Dates
    BBD: 2025-07-15
    长思 即食蜜枣 235g Learn More
  35. Hsu Fu Chi Egg Sachima 469g Hsu Fu Chi Egg Sachima 469g
    19% off
    Hsu Fu Chi Egg Sachima 469g
    BBD: 2025-01-03
    Special Price £4.15 Regular Price £5.15
    徐福记沙琪玛生产过程中,和面工序采用全鸡蛋液,不添加水,酥松柔软,甜而不腻,入口易溶。 Learn More
  36. HSU Strawberry Cookie 182g HSU Strawberry Cookie 182g
    20% off
    HSU Strawberry Cookie 182g
    BBD: 2025-01-12
    Special Price £2.20 Regular Price £2.76
    皮料酥松,馅料细腻,并有水果纤维的咬感,采用进口无水奶油,每种口味都有添加果仁、果肉,富有营养和维生素 Learn More
  37. GS Preserved Seaweed Knot 60g
    BBD: 2025-02-27
    国圣 海带结 泡椒味 60g Learn More
  38. XINJIANG Dried Hetian Dates 500g XINJIANG Dried Hetian Dates 500g
    20% off
    XINJIANG Dried Hetian Dates 500g
    BBD: 2025-08-18
    Special Price £5.59 Regular Price £6.99
    新疆和田枣 Learn More
  39. Oreo Cookie Birthday 97g
    BBD: 2024-12-23
    奥利奥夹心饼干(生日蛋糕味)97g Learn More
  40. Hsu Fu Chi Egg Crisp Sachima 309g Hsu Fu Chi Egg Crisp Sachima 309g
    21% off
    Hsu Fu Chi Egg Crisp Sachima 309g
    BBD: 2024-11-15
    Special Price £2.90 Regular Price £3.65
    经典美味,与众不同;造型别致,口味丰富。 Learn More
    BBD: 2025-05-21
    大白兔奶糖 小袋装 Learn More
  42. STRONGFOOD CICI Jelly cup Lychee coconut gel with bits
    BBD: 2024-10-07
    荔枝味果冻爽,水果味的果冻 Learn More
    BBD: 2024-11-08
    3、促进肠胃蠕动,还会使肠内的双歧杆菌大量繁殖,有益菌增加,有害菌减少。 Learn More
  44. ZHENGFENG Preserved Dates 200g
    BBD: 2026-01-29
    正丰蜜枣 Learn More
  45. HONOR Blanched Peanut Kernel 500g
    BBD: 2024-08-08
    功能作用:健脾和胃、利肾去水、理气通乳、治诸血症。 Learn More
    BBD: 2025-02-22
    韩国热卖低卡减肥滋味零食小吃 Orion Choco Boy Biscuit *朱古力 Learn More
  47. UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Spicy Crab Flavour 35g*30 UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Spicy Crab Flavour 35g*30
    32% off
    UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Spicy Crab Flavour 35g*30
    BBD: 2024-09-15
    £11.99 Regular Price £17.70
  48. 【Limited to one 】WL Fried Beancurd 120g 【Limited to one 】WL Fried Beancurd 120g
    33% off
    【Limited to one 】WL Fried Beancurd 120g
    BBD: 2024-09-01
    Special Price £1.99 Regular Price £2.98
    超级闪购特价1.99 限量抢购 Learn More
  49. UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles -Italian flavor 35g*30 UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles -Italian flavor 35g*30
    32% off
    UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles -Italian flavor 35g*30
    BBD: 2024-10-17
    £11.99 Regular Price £17.70
    捏碎面干吃面方便面零食,方便面干吃面 Learn More
  50. UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Chicken flavor 35g*30 UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Chicken flavor 35g*30
    32% off
    UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Chicken flavor 35g*30
    BBD: 2024-09-06
    £11.99 Regular Price £17.70
    UNI Racoon Ready to eat crispy noodles- Chicken flavor 40g*30 Learn More
  51. HUAWEIHENG BBQ Fish Tofu 108g HUAWEIHENG BBQ Fish Tofu 108g
    20% off
    HUAWEIHENG BBQ Fish Tofu 108g
    BBD: 2025-01-22
    Special Price £2.76 Regular Price £3.46
    Delicious healthy snacks Learn More
  52. HUAWEIHENG Fish Ball (Beancurd) 73g HUAWEIHENG Fish Ball (Beancurd) 73g
    20% off
    HUAWEIHENG Fish Ball (Beancurd) 73g
    BBD: 2024-11-27
    Special Price £2.86 Regular Price £3.58
    Classic Hong Kong wind spicy soul Learn More
  53. BESTORE Sesame Egg Roll 200g BESTORE Sesame Egg Roll 200g
    20% off
    BESTORE Sesame Egg Roll 200g
    BBD: 2024-12-10
    Special Price £3.48 Regular Price £4.35
    BS Sesame Egg Roll 200g Learn More
  54. YOUYOU Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 80g YOUYOU Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 80g
    38% off
    YOUYOU Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 80g
    BBD: 2024-09-12
    Special Price £1.78 Regular Price £2.85
    TV snacks Learn More
  55. 【9 Pieces in Full Bag】SH Ham Sausage of The King 【9 Pieces in Full Bag】SH Ham Sausage of The King
    30% off
    【9 Pieces in Full Bag】SH Ham Sausage of The King
    BBD: 2024-10-07
    Special Price £3.49 Regular Price £4.99
    A snack that always satisfies your taste buds Learn More
  56. 【Three Packs Special】Lays Crisps-Golden Fried Crab Flavor 70g 【Three Packs Special】Lays Crisps-Golden Fried Crab Flavor 70g
    39% off
    【Three Packs Special】Lays Crisps-Golden Fried Crab Flavor 70g
    BBD: 2024-08-29
    Special Price £4.89 Regular Price £8.08
    Pleasure tastes good Learn More
  57. LOTTE Choco Pie 28g*6 LOTTE Choco Pie 28g*6
    19% off
    LOTTE Choco Pie 28g*6
    BBD: 2024-11-07
    Special Price £1.85 Regular Price £2.29
    A delicious combination of rich chocolate, delicate cake and marshmallow filling Learn More
  58. BESTORE Bamboo Shoot - Preserved Chilli Flavour 120g
    BBD: 2024-12-21
    BS Bamboo Shoot - Preserved Chilli Flavour 120g Learn More
  59. XLCQ Brand Spicy Lotus Root 70g XLCQ Brand Spicy Lotus Root 70g
    54% off
    XLCQ Brand Spicy Lotus Root 70g
    BBD: 2024-10-02
    Special Price £0.30 Regular Price £0.65
    Healthy snacks, ready to eat in an open bag Learn More
  60. CN Wei Long Latiao Hot & Spicy Mini 360g CN Wei Long Latiao Hot & Spicy Mini 360g
    39% off
    CN Wei Long Latiao Hot & Spicy Mini 360g
    BBD: 2024-12-15
    Special Price £3.99 Regular Price £6.49
    Flexible and strong, it is sweet and spicy. Learn More
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